Darkness Calls: A Gray Magick Novel


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Townspeople flock to the O'Quinns to secretly meet with Alannah in the front room of the main house where magick always happens. There, the fire under the cauldron consistently and eternally burns, believed to be kept ablaze by ancestors. These spirits help the four witches who live and run the inn, coffee shop, and gift shop on the property to create spells for those in need.

Life is rather idyllic until one stormy night, a stranger is found dead in the room with ritualistic markings carved into his chest to match the ones circling him on the floor. None of it makes any sense, even to ones who’ve practiced magick for as long as they can remember. To make matters worse, their ancestors have suddenly gone silent. While the fire under the cauldron continues to burn, more fiercely than before, the current spirits become aggressive. Bottles of herbs break on the floor. Books get tossed from the shelves. A darkness stifles the house.

When relatives of the deceased show up, all hell breaks loose. A secret long held by her aunt reveals a curse that ties the families together. The women now have to find a way to work with the two strangers, brothers, they don't trust. In all of this mess, Alannah begins to discover that sovereignty over oneself is a continual process often achieved by diving deep into one’s own shadows while letting in the light of love. When push comes to shove, when darkness calls, all forms of magick take on shades of gray in the end.